Course curriculum

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    • Welcome!

    • Agreements.

    • Healing code of ethics and conduct.

    • What is Consent?

    • Clarity & Consent.

    • Sexuality as a bridge to our subconscious, part 1.

    • Sexuality as a bridge to our subconscious, part 2.

    • Female anatomy of arousal.

    • The Chakra System.

    • Being clear on intention.

    • Creating A Healing Container.

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    Therapist Client Dynamics

    • Projections and Transference.

    • Power of Surrender, Humbleness and Love.

    • Trauma & Somatics.

    • Nervous System Exploration.

    • Attunement and Deep Body Listening.

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    • Different forms of Orgasms.

    • Body Massage to activate the chakra centers and to calm down the nervous system.

    • Sacred Feminine Touch Massage.

    • Session Structure & Surrender.

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    • Sacred Ingredient - Present Moment Awareness.

    • Consecration.

    • Consecration - guided journey.

    • Consecration and Setting of Intentions.

    • Self-Inquiry.

    • Who Am I ? Introduction to Hridaya and a Who am I Meditation.

    • Tantric Archetypes - Shiva & Shakti

    • Kali & Tara.

    • Kali Archetype.

    • Kali Guided Meditation.

    • Rituals & Symbolism.

    • Shamanic Ascent and Descent.

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    Personal Development

    • Vulnerability

    • Vulnerability Guided Meditation

    • Jung, Emotional Suppression and Shadow Work.

    • Inner Child Work

    • Inner Child Guided Meditation

    • Repressed archetypes

    • What regulates your nervous system?

    • Diaphragmatic Breathing

    • Compassion Meditation

    • Integration